
Monday, December 30, 2013

Adios Honduras!

After spending 2 months in the orphanage, I'm surprised I haven't decided to bring home 45 kids with me.  I definitely wanted to shove them in my bags, but figured if I brought them back, they would probably miss their beans and tortillas.

I wouldn't say that my working out there was the best, but it was definitely entertaining.  I had no choice but to run on the long driveway there, so of course all the kids always wanted to join me.  There were times I would be running holding hands with two kids on each side of me, one kid in front of me, and one kid pulling on my shirt behind me.  I finally had to tell the little 4 year old with asthma he needed to take a rest before I needed to find his inhaler for him.

My running partner for the day..Kimberly :)
Little 4yr old Darwin taking his asthma meds

 Every time I walked into the dining hall for a meal, all of the kids at the little kid table would shout for me, and would want a high five, a kiss, a hug, or something.  I'll be honest, I kind of felt like a celebrity. Which was great, because for the three meals everyday, I felt like I was super famous or something.  :)

Little kid table

One of the last Saturdays I was there, 36 of the kids got baptized.  The dining hall had soon turned into the church and 2 hours later all the kids were baptized.  They were SOOOOO dressed up.  One of the girls had on such a snazzy dress I thought it was her wedding day.  Needless to say, the kids were so excited and couldn't stop smiling.  Afterwards I went to the real church with the teacher who needed to pay for the baptism.  I was a little confused about why they needed to pay to have the kids baptized...found out later they didn't NEED to pay, but were making an offering and sending money to the Pope.  I was told that since the Pope helps the poor, the poor people of Honduras are paying him back for his kindness towards them. Ironic hey? day?

The 4yr olds during their baptism

All the kids dressed up for their big day

One of my last nights there I was invited to spend a night at one of the teacher's houses with three of the girls.  We got to her house and instantly took off to go walk somewhere.  Of course I had no clue what we were doing or where we were going.  I quickly found out once we landed on a person's front porch with about 20 other people that I was now part of a group of people singing Christmas carols.  Or so I thought...turns out we were partaking in a posada.  This was the same night I shared a bed with a 7 year old orphan...I have never been with someone so excited to have a sleepover.  Needless to say, she was up at 5am too excited to sleep. :)

A night at the teacher's house

The last week I was there, I set up a little store for all the kids to come in and do some shopping.  I'm pretty sure this was the first time a lot of them actually got to pick out their own clothes so it wuz funny to see how long it took some of them.

Jose doing some shopping :)

My favorites :)

Anywho, it feels great to be back here in the States....although I already miss the beans, tortillas, and cockroaches.  :)

Until next time Honduras...

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