
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Basketball and Fancy Dress...Goodbye Nepal!

Every year the school hosts an annual basketball carnival and fancy dress competition.  Luckily for me, I was there for both of them.  :)
The basketball tournament consisted of two games, a crazy crowd of students, a new basketball court, medals, and a bunch of awesome Nepali dances.

Girl's team :)
Sittin with the fans :)

I think his shorts were a little big
 I'm pretty sure the teams only practiced once before the "BIG TOURNAMENT."
But hey, whatever works right?  The tournament was only between the older kids who were in grades 7-10.  I'm thinking they should have practiced more like my little tikes did.  Every day after school my kids in class 3-6 would come for a super NOT intense basketball practice. I still can't decide who had the better uniforms...
My favorite practice day EVER
My crazy class 2 boys
 For the fancy dress competition, everyone gets dressed up in a costume of their choosing, they introduce themselves, and of course there are MANY traditional Nepali dances. :)
It is one of my absolute favorite days ever.

oh just reading the morning paper :)
pretty sure the ghost ACTUALLY scared me
The coolest models I've ever seen
The fancy dress competition was held on the second to last day before I left Nepal and I couldn't have asked for a better going away program.  The students are all little rock stars and have truly become some of my best friends. If it didn't hit me that I was leaving Nepal, it finally did when I received yak cheese, tea, and lemons as a going away present.  :)

my favorite cheese and tea :)

I know that I've said this before, but if you ever get the chance to visit Nepal...please do so!  It is such a magical place with millions of  beautiful souls. :)
Until next time Nepal....
As for now, time to enjoy my favorite city ever...aka Milwaukee!  :)