
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Let's Talk about....Diversity.

What would the world be like if we were all the same?  I know. I know what many of you are thinking.  "Well...if everyone was more like me, this world would be awesome!" Nice try.  :)
But seriously, don't you think it would be pretty boring?  Although if everyone was more like me, they would have all collected starburst wrappers when they were younger.  Now that would be cool. :)

But consider for example, your age.  If you're an "adult" reading this, then everyone in the world would be exactly like you....which would also mean they would be the same age. There wouldn't be any kids to play with to make us feel younger, and there wouldn't be any elderly people around to share their wisdom.  If everyone had the same thoughts and beliefs as you, who would you call for advice?

So why is it that diversity sometimes seems to scare people?  Maybe it's the unknown or maybe it's because we don't take the time to really reach out and get to know each other. We may not understand certain traditions, rituals, or beliefs about other cultures but that doesn't mean that we can't learn from them. Diversity is meant to enrich our lives and teach us new lessons every day.  Sometimes it can be a matter of getting out of your comfort zone and reaching out to someone new.

There are billions of people around the world, each with their own feelings, beliefs, and spirituality. Yourself included! No two people in this world are exactly alike. And if you think about that for a minute, that's pretty darn cool. We can either choose to distance ourselves from people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, or we can embrace this beautiful world we live in and acquire new perspectives which can ultimately transform our lives.

There are roughly between 6,500-7,000 different languages in the world.  Not one is better than the other.The diversity of languages is just another astonishing aspect about this world we live in. Not to mention, learning a foreign language is an excellent way to exercise different components of your brain.

Many of us have been extremely blessed to have been born in a place where we grew up having hot meals, a nice cozy bed to sleep in, and family and friends who know us and love us.Why were millions of other people born into extreme poverty, without food, clean water, or even a safe place to go to the bathroom? And how amazing is it that many of these people who were born into those circumstances believe that they are the ones who are truly blessed. We have much to learn from these individuals, who although they may be lacking in material wealth, they are abundantly rich in spirit. No matter how you look at it, we are all one. We all came from the same creator, and even with the diversity of our lives, whether we were born materially rich or rich in spirit, everyone wants to be happy.  And based on that human instinct alone, we can and SHOULD unite.

If God blessed us with an abundant amount of resources, gifts, I really believe those are meant to be shared. And in doing so, we will be helping each other. If you haven't already...embrace the diversity that is available to you, because in doing so, it could change many lives.... yours included!

The world's different cultures, beliefs, and traditions are what make this world so incredibly AWESOME! Let's encourage others to step out of their comfort zones, embrace diversity, reach out to those in need, and soak in all the awesome people our world has to offer.

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