
Friday, January 8, 2016

Things Every Solo Female Traveler Should Know

1.  The world is a beautiful and more importantly, friendly place.  
There are literally billions of awesome people in this world, and it's the people who will make your adventure all worthwhile.  The strangers that you may have been once so afraid of, will now become your lifelong friends. 

Celebrating my b-day Japanese style :)
2. Smile
There may be times when you might find yourself in an intimidating or unusual situation.  Maybe you're trying to order at a restaurant and you can't speak the local language.  A smile goes a long way and can break the ice in a lot of different situations you might find yourself in.   Not to mention, smiling is fun. :)
One of my favorite little guys :)

 3. Getting around is much easier than you think.
English is widely spoken throughout the entire even if you don't know the local language, you don't need to worry.  There are plenty of signs in English and friendly locals to help.  That being said, learning a few local phrases really does go a long way.  More often than not, many of the locals already know exactly where the foreigners are trying to get to.  They're usually leading you to the next bus stop before YOU even know what you're looking for. 
South Korean Market
4. ALWAYS carry toilet paper AND tampons!
It's not always easy to find tampons in certain countries and let's be honest here, you NEED toilet paper on hand at all times.  It's an absolute must for those emergency situations that WILL inevitably happen.
Is this the type of toilet you want to end up in and realize you don't have any toilet paper?  I think not....

5. Travel light
Keep in mind that everything you pack, you have to carry! It's not very enjoyable when you're walking around town searching for a guesthouse and you're wearing a 50 pound backpack. I mean, do you really need to bring your favorite childhood stuffed animal? 
Strolling around Ecuador
6. Body spray-Essential!
I'm not just saying this for hygienic reasons...although spraying perfume all over yourself to cover up the fact that you haven't showered in three days isn't really hygienic anyways.   So do yourself a favor and pack something that smells nice, it'll make you feel so much better...even if the last time you showered actually WAS three days ago...

A little dirty after garlic planting

7. Dress modest when necessary
 Not all cultures find it appropriate for women to wear short skirts and tank tops.  You'll receive a lot  more respect from the locals if you dress modestly and respect their culture. 

Local Cambodian outdoor dinner

8. Take time to Reflect!
 Life happens quickly, even more so while you're traveling.  The old adage "time flies" couldn't be more true especially while on the road. Don't let everything pass you up without taking the time to reflect on the beauty all around. Find that perfect bench and take some time to just "be".

My favorite praying bench in Japan
9. Journal
Take the time to journal everyday.  That might seem like a daunting task, but trust me on this one.  When you finally return back home, you'll be so happy to have those memories and most likely they'll help inspire you in new ways you never would have thought of.

10. Trust Your Gut
Be friendly with people, but at the same time, if something feels a bit off, go with your gut feelings.  Like I said before, the majority of people in this world are wonderful, but if you have a bad feeling about someone, trust your instinct and don't overthink it.

And finally.....Be confident and have fun!
 People don't always need to know that you're alone especially if that makes you feel uncomfortable.  Be confident and just know that there are always other travelers around to keep you company.  And don't take things too seriously...relax and enjoy all that this beautiful world has to offer!

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