
Monday, May 27, 2019

2018 Refugee Run Impact!

Because of all of YOU who participated in or donated to last summer's 5k Run/Walk for Refugees, you made it possible for us to help 47 local refugees this past year!

Some funds were used for practical purposes and some funds were used to spoil them!

Here's the impact you had on Milwaukee families this past year:

You helped 5 families pay back a portion of their airfare loan that enables them to fly to America. They had to show us proof of previous payments they've made, which shows us they understand the responsibility in repaying this loan. It is important they pay this loan back because it greatly impacts their credit here in America. They all understand that if they plan on buying a house in the future (which they all do), it's necessary they repay these airfare loans. Not only that, it also teaches them basic financial responsibility.

You provided diapers and wipes to 5 families with babies or toddlers. 

You helped the 13 women of Milwaukee's Newest Artisans participate in 5 craft fairs this year, which has made it possible for them to earn over $10,000! They were also featured in the Milwaukee Independent a few months ago! You can check out that article here:

Craft and Relic Market
You sent 2 teenage boys to a Milwaukee Wave soccer game for their first time...and even spoiled them with some concession snacks!

We still have a remaining balance from last year's event of $430. This will be used to get the women into more craft fairs and farmers markets and to help with school supplies and uniforms for a number of families.    

We also wanted to let you know that this year we will not have the Annual Run/Walk for Refugees. As for next year, it is yet to be determined as we reevaluate and hopefully find a bit more help! 

As always, thank you for your support!