
Thursday, February 9, 2017

What's Good vs. What's Bad....Who Can Say?

"The Book of Joy" written by both the Dalai Lama and South Africa's Archbishop, Desmond Tutu, will show you how to find peace and joy in the midst of life's adversities. Both the Dalai Lama and Archbishop have so much wisdom and insight to share that it is without question one of the best books on the shelf today.

In regards to just one of their many discussions, I'll keep this short and simple.

In one chapter of the book, they get on the topic of who decides what is considered "good" and what is considered "bad." The Dalai Lama shares a famous Chinese story to help illustrate what is "good" vs. what is "bad."

The below story is taken directly from "The Book of Joy" on page 151.

This famous Chinese story is about the farmer whose horse runs away.  His neighbors are quick to comment on his bad luck.  The farmer responds that no one can know what is bad or what is good.  When the horse comes back with a wild stallion, the neighbors are quick to comment, this time talking about the farmer's good luck. Again the farmer replies that no one can know what is good and what is bad. When the farmer's son breaks his leg trying to tame the wild stallion, the neighbors now are certain of the farmer's bad luck. Again, the farmer says that no one knows. When war breaks out, all the able-bodied young men are conscripted into battle except the farmer's son, who was spared because of his broken leg.

There will definitely be more to come from this's just too good not to share! :)